Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Win Her Love Back- Getting Your Ex Back

If you are going through a break up, chances are you trying to decide weather to get over her or trying to figure out how to win her love back. There is only two choices and neither of them is very easy to make. You really need to consider the cause of the break up before you make the wrong the decision that make matters worst. You could decide that the break up isn't such a bad idea.

If your decision is to try to win her love back, then the first step is to be very sincere when you apologize. You may have said that you were sorry several times, but she might have thought that you were just trying to stop the break up and was not sincere about the apology.

If your the one that caused the break up then you need to give a sincere apology. If the separation has been for awhile now she may think the apology is sincere because you stand nothing to gain from it. This is the best time to say that you are sorry and you need to really mean it (Hopefully you do).

If it was your ex that caused the break up instead of trying to get an apology from them try to forgive them instead. If it was cheating that caused the separation to begin with you may not be able to forget it, but you can learn how to forgive it. To actually forgive someone is harder than just saying I forgive you, but you must learn how to truly forgive her or the relationship will never work out.

If you succeed to win her love back and have not truly forgiven her and later on down the road old wounds open up and most likely some hurtful things will be said and the break up is on again. A good idea is to maybe read some books on how to forgive someone. There is a lot of good literature out there that can help you on that subject. The Magic Of Making Up is a great book to start with. Learning to truly forgive can save you heartache down the road.

To win her love back, be yourself (the person she fell in love with not the person that was dumped). While it maybe hard to hide the hurt, be the best that you can be and concentrate on reminding them why they loved you in first place. I hope you found this helpful in getting your ex back.


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