The painful emotions is the feelings that someone experiences, when they have broken up with a loved one. When the pain of missing them sets in you become depressed and hurt, so you ask yourself, “What should I do to get my ex back?”.
This day and age there many resources at your finger tips to help answer the question “what should I do to get my ex back” such as websites, books,forums and blogs such as this one. By following this advise it will greatly increase your chances of getting back with your ex.
Common sense plays a big roll, don't play games. To approach the situation by playing games, which a lot of people do, it makes them feel that they have the power over the other person which most likely will backfire in there face. Trying this approach by manipulating someone may feel good in the beginning, will not feel so good in the end. The tricks and lies that you perform on your ex will always be a roadblock in the mind of your ex, about how you really are as a person and may cause them to get further detached from you. Trying to make your ex jealous by pretending to date someone else, while this works in some situations it normally will cause a permanent breakup and that is what we are trying to avoid.
Absolutely, Don't Be Mean! A breakup brings out the vicious side in all of us but you must control it and that is true for any situation. Just the fact that you ask what should I do to get my ex back?, shows that are willing to forgive whatever caused the breakup in the first place. Because if you are not willing to forgive, you do not want you ex back anyway, true?
Now ask yourself, how have I been acting? If you were your ex, would you want to spend any time with youself, are would you dread each time you met? Emotions sometimes can get the better of us, but try to control them especially if there are anger emotions boiling up. Try not to nag or yell.
Be nice. Try to make your ex remember what attracted them to you to begin with. Then they can't help but to think about the good times you shared together and that will make them miss you that much more.
Having someone that knows you are a good person with their fillings in mind will get you much further than being a hateful, lying, mean person. Think about it, would you want to be with someone like that? Probably not. I know I wouldn't.
I was searching online one day when I really needed some good advice, and came across this down to earth fellow everyone calls T 'Dub' Jackson and he authored a book called “The Magic Of Making Up” I highly recommend this book for anyone that has relationship issues, it is a must read.
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