A break up is something that just about everyone encounters once in there life. How to get love back is the question asked following a break up. Other things in life seem to get easier the more times that you do them, but a break up never gets easier no matter how many times you go through them.
Most people want to get there ex back after a break up, even if the relationship was unhealthy. You really should not want to get back into an unhealthy relationship were there was physical or verbal abuse, these types of relationships never work themselves out. If you were in an unhealthy relationship and your ex broke up with you consider yourself lucky and stay away from them.
Almost all other relationships follow a distinctive pattern. In the beginning your partner can do no wrong and everything is wonderful. Couples adjust to one another, you even overlook there little quirks that now start to bother you. Once comfort sets in things start to change and newness in the relationship wears off, problems start small then grow larger.
“Familiarity breeds contempt” that's a well spoken quote. Trouble usually starts when couples get comfortable and familiar with each other. This will test the strength of a relationship. It takes a lot of effort and work to keep up a healthy relationship. Usually when something breaks you will get it repaired, but some people will want out of the relationship completely.
Despite the fact that your ex has made clear that the relationship is over, do you still believe that the relationship is worth saving? If so, here is four steps that you can follow to help you in your quest for how to get love back.
1. Apologize- One of the best methods for how to get love back is to really give a sincere apology. Make sure that you are apologizing for the right reasons. Even if your ex does not come back right away, you need to know the reasons for which you are apologizing for. This a critical first step.
Don't allow your ex to get you in an argument. When you apologize this is the perfect moment for your ex to bring up something else that will lead to an argument. Keep your feelings and emotions in check, don't fall into a verbal argument.
2. Get together and talk things out- Now it is time for both of you, (if your ex is up to it) is to sit down and talk through your problems. If they are not willing to do this just yet, don't cry, plead or beg your ex at this time move on to the next step. Make it clear that this sit down session is not going to be a blame game of any sort. The last thing you need now is another fight so don't force them into a discussion if they are not willing to talk about it.
You will get better results if you talk about the issues objectively and by not playing the blame game. It is really better if you could get an expert in this field involved at this time to help both of you with the relationship.
3. Give your ex some space- I know that this sounds unreasonable when you are trying to learn how to get love back. They may not want to see or talk to you right now, just because you do dose not mean that they do. Allow your ex some space this is critical. It gives them a cooling off period and chance for them to start missing you. Remember if your in touch with them how can they miss you?
4. Let them see that you care about yourself- Do yourself a favor and don't seem whiny or desperate. Stop hanging around the phone waiting for them to call and stop checking your email every few minutes hoping to get a message from them this kind of behavior is not good for you. Get out of the house and live your life, hang out with your friends or go to the mall just get out and go.
Think about it, if your not at home when they call it will make them a little curious about what you are doing. Even if you are at home when your ex calls let the voice mail answer it and wait till the next day to return the call. When you speak to your ex tell them that you were to busy to answer the phone at he time and this will probably shock them and cause them to pursue you once again.
I hope that this was helpful to you in your quest for how to get love back.
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