First off, if you were the one who made the determination to terminate the marriage and now you question, how can I stop my divorce? you should understand that you’re in a alot better situation than most people trying to salvage their relationships. You’ll want to bury your pride and go to your partner with an apology. Say that you behaived in haste and that now you regret it. State that you no longer need the divorce, and maybe even that you never wished for it but you spoke out of anger and you were incorrect.
It’s essential for you to be really mature and content about it. That’s not always simple to do. Divorce is an emotional and agonizing thing. But it’s one thing to weep while explaining that you need to stay married, and completely another to scream or end into hysterics. If you yell, accuse or point fingers at your partner, you’re handing him or her even more motive to desire to get away from you. If you wish to learn ‘how to stop my divorce’ you have to let go of the emotions and bitterness you sense toward your partner for even bringing it up in the first place.
This might appear to a awkward step, but it’s essential. Since you were the one to bring up the matter of divorce, your partner might have begun to really consider the situation and think that it’s the best idea, too. When you want to know, “How to stop my divorce,” you want to hear what your partner thinks of the matter and make it clear that you were mistaken. Unless they’ve had a heap of time and grounds to determine that you were correct and divorce is the optimum step, you can likely salvage the marriage just by saying you made a error in wanting a divorce.
If you’re questioning, “How can I stop my divorce when I didn’t desire it anyway,” then you have your job cut out for you. You can state, without opion or accusations, that you believe the marriage is deserving of saving and that you don’t desire a divorce. Chances are that you’ve done this, more than one time. But the way you tell it can have a difference on the outcome.
You also have to be inclinded to work on your problems. You must accept that the relationship can’t go back to the way it was, but must change for the better. Propose marital counseling. Say, “I need to stop my divorce,” but get it clear you know your partner was miserable with the way things were, and you’re willing to make them better.
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